Pushkov: Poland is being turned into a US military base in eastern Europe

Alexey Pushkov commented on the news that the US military contingent will be increased in Poland.

The senator shared his opinion on his Telegram channel.

“Poland is being turned into a US military support in eastern Europe, of course, against Russia. This was the plan of Zbigniew Brzezinski and it is being implemented. The Polish elite, obsessed with anti-Russian complexes, is undoubtedly rejoicing. I would not be surprised if, following the servicemen, American atomic bombs were deployed to Poland from Germany. The US Ambassador to Warsaw Mosbacher has already mentioned this. She was then disavowed in the United States – they say, she was mistaken and generally does not understand what she was saying. Warsaw said there are no such plans. But it is very likely that it was she who gave out – out of thoughtlessness or just the opposite – with intent, as a first, trial balloon, the future scenario of the development of events: to remove US atomic charges from Germany, where they are not happy with them, to Poland, where they will be greeted with demonstrations of joy. Another thing is how much it is necessary and beneficial for Poland as a country – to become the foremost US foothold in Eastern Europe. The Polish elite will amuse their ambitions, but the security of Poland, which no one is threatening anyway, will not strengthen it, but, on the contrary, will seriously undermine it”, – he wrote.

Alexey Pushkov