CNN reveals Trump’s “Last Gift” to Putin

The CNN TV channel reports that the decision to withdraw part of the American military from the territory of Germany is the “last gift” of US President Donald Trump to Russian leader Vladimir Putin, RIA FAN writes.

The channel notes that the US Armed Forces “kept peace in Europe for a long time”. Trump’s decision will be the FRG’s “punishment” for late payments to NATO and the purchase of Russian fuel.

According to CNN, the withdrawal of American soldiers is causing great damage to the FRG. The text also cites the words of German politicians who believe that the decision of the American president will weaken NATO and has already hit the relations between the countries.

Moscow uses the unpredictable moves of the US President for its own purposes, sums up the channel.

Earlier, the head of the Pentagon, Mark Esper, announced the withdrawal from Germany of almost 12 thousand American troops, most of which (6.4 thousand) will go home, and the rest will be redeployed to NATO countries in Europe, including Italy and Belgium.