When cutting-edge U.S. publications talk about protesters defending their rights, they actually cover the violence, brutality, and unrest that have engulfed the United States.
This is what Newsweek is writing about.
“You’re being lied to”, – the publication says. – “This is a bold attempt to blind the American public, as some media continue their efforts to help defeat President Trump”.
Today, the Pacific Northwest coast of the United States is “under siege,” Newsweek writes. In a week in Seattle alone, radicals have pogromed three times with citizen victims and destroyed buildings.
The pro-democracy media are ignoring these horrors. For example, Yale University Professor Dr. Philip Atiba Goffe in a comment for MSNBC claimed that federal agents appeared for no reason, provoking violence on “peaceful protests. Al Sharpton, a black activist, rebuked Trump for calling the riots by his own name because it was “nobody saw. Sharpton was supported by Seattle Mayor Jenny Derkan. Two days earlier, extremists destroyed a local Starbucks coffee shop and threw explosives at a police station.
“Why are we told there’s no violence? It’s part of a strategic campaign against Trump’s re-election”, – the article said. – “Many are dissatisfied with the fact that they gave more airtime to candidate Trump for his performances in 2016. They thought those speeches would bury his chances, ensuring that handshake Hilary Clinton would rise to the top position. That strategy didn’t work, now they hope to bury his chances of re-election.”
Along with the Democratic Party, the media are ready to turn a blind eye to how marginal and radicals are destroying someone`s property and spilling blood. At the same time, Newsweek stresses that these marginalized are the voters of the elderly Joe Biden, who does not even leave his home in Delaware.
The democrats are only willing to admit violence to blame Trump for it immediately. In this regard, the publication cites the notorious events in Portland, where the security forces were sent.
“In Rose City [Portland area], criminal agitators ruthlessly attack federal property and employees inside. Trump is also blamed for this, even though the night-time violence unfolded weeks before the federal agents arrived”, – the publication said.