With such a friend… The British about Pompeo’s “bonehead and hysterics” pranks

The British Guardian has militia on the head of state department, Mike Pompeo. According to the newspaper, Trump’s most influential advisor openly demonstrates “false and intrigue politics” of the American authorities. So, what did the famous Washington “hawk” not please the British?

Mike Pompeo, head of the US Department of State, is going to visit Denmark and the UK on Monday. The diplomat did not disclose the exact agenda of the meeting, but hinted that he will discuss with partners China and the deployment of 5G communication network.

“Forget about Putin, you have to be afraid of the United States”,  – with this title came the British Guardian.

According to the author of the material, the most terrible enemy of Britain is not Russia, but the U.S. government, which has been constantly “throwing” the British since 1945. And today on the international stage still came out “kostolom” Mike Pompeo, and with such a friend and no enemies, concludes the publication.

The newspaper criticizes the chief American diplomat for rude and empty statements that harm London’s relations with other countries. For example, irritation in the Foggy Albion is caused by the fact that Pompeo is constantly spreading unverified allegations against China in the context of the pandemic.

Recently, in a meeting with members of the British Parliament, the Secretary of State accused Tedros Gebreesus, the head of the World Health Organization, of having allegedly made a secret deal with Beijing before the pandemic began, and because of this now “people are dying in Britain”, Pompeo concluded without even asking his opinion.

At the same time, he did not present any evidence, but, as they say, the siege between London and Beijing will remain, despite the fact that there is no connection between the deaths of the British and the alleged guilt of China.

By the way, Pompeo visited the UK after Boris Johnson’s government refused the services of Chinese Huawei to create a national 5G network. Earlier these plans were harshly criticized by the U.S., which imposed sanctions against the Chinese company. Again, the Americans sold their decision ignoring the interests of the ally. It is true that Boris Johnson has been praised for this and can be proud of himself.

Another example of American pressure tactics was, as the Guardian writes, “Pompeo’s hysterical call to create a united front of “free countries” to fight China’s “new tyranny”.

But this call runs counter to Britain’s position, which does not need the Cold War with Beijing, unlike Trump and the Republicans. The latter, by provoking conflicts, are trying to stay in power. The island nation’s politicians have much broader interests in relation to China.

The author of the article also believes that the attempt of the White House to destroy the International Criminal Court (ICC), in the creation of which Britain was involved, is wrong. The ICC dared to launch an investigation into U.S. war crimes in Afghanistan, for which it paid: the State Department imposed sanctions against court officials.

In general, concludes the British Guardian, Mike Pompeo should be wary even of friends, because this unscrupulous and ambitious figure is much smarter than Trump, and knows how to play even on the fears and division of a foreign society for him.

 Olga Gavrilova