The Catalan authorities are prepared to tighten quarantine measures

Authorities of the Spanish Autonomous Community of Catalonia are ready to tighten quarantine measures if the epidemiological situation in the region continues to deteriorate, said the head of the Generalitat Kim Torr.

“These are critical days to see if we can, through solidarity and collective efforts, rectify the situation. The situation is critical, and if we can’t stop it, we will have to step back (i.e. tighten the measures)”, –  Torra said in a television address. He called the increase in infections in the region “of great concern,” and compared the current situation to that of early March, that is, before the epidemic in Spain.

He urged the inhabitants of Catalonia to follow the recommendations of epidemiologists and reduce social contacts in the coming days.

“These are the most decisive days of summer, and it’s in everyone’s hands to avoid a situation that could lead to the worst and a kickback that nobody wants”, –  Torra added.

Previously, the authorities of Catalonia recommended that residents of several regions, including Barcelona, some areas of Llheida and Figueres, are not allowed to gather more than ten people, visiting bars and restaurants is limited to 50 percent of capacity, all nightlife is out of order. However, most residents do not follow the recommendations of the authorities or the medical profession.

The situation in Catalonia began to deteriorate two weeks ago – the number of detected cases during this time amounted to 8.5 thousand people, the last week – 4.8 thousand.