American schoolboy punished Washington Post for libel

Nick Sandman, a student at Covington Catholic School, won a libel suit against the Washington Post. Earlier this year, he managed to win in court and CNN. In addition, he continues to sue ABC, CBS, NBC, Guardian and The Hill.

American schoolboy punished Washington Post for libel

The schoolboy became widely known in the winter of 2019. Then he, along with his classmates, took part in the annual “March for Life” – a demonstration held in Washington against abortion.

During the rally, Sandman quarreled with one of the counter-demonstrators. A verbal skirmish ensued between them. Reporters cut out a small part of their conversation and presented the case as if the students were trying to bait their opponent.

In social networks, unceasing indignation of the students’ actions began. Liberal columnists urged them to be beaten, expelled, or “canceled” altogether.

However, a complete video recording of the conversation between schoolchildren and their opponent was soon found. She testified that it was the activist who was the first to start the skirmish, and he had a group of black supporters who began shouting racist and homophobic insults at the schoolchildren.

Nick has filed libel lawsuits against all liberal media where he has been insulted. He demanded compensation for moral damages totaling $ 800 million. So far, CNN and the Washington Post have already agreed to pay him money and publish rebuttals to their articles about “Covington schoolchildren.”

The editors did not disclose exactly how much they paid to close the case.