Relations between Washington and Beijing have never been easy, but they are now at a record low.
About this writes the “Associated Press” agency.
As noted in the media, the escalation of tensions is growing four decades after the United States established diplomatic relations with communist China. And this is happening against the background of how “the ambitions of a growing superpower are increasingly clashing with the ambitions of the existing one”.
Earlier, the US forced China to close its consulate in Houston. Beijing today ordered the closure of the US consulate in Chengdu. Two weeks ago, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi openly asked if relations between the countries could continue. The answer came the day before. US Department of State Chief Michael Pompeo said it was “time to change course”.
As they write in the agency, the escalation of tension may well be associated with the presidential race in the United States. Thus, Donald Trump is using the confrontation with China to enlist the support of the electorate. However, regardless of who takes over the White House after the November elections, tensions will persist.
“We are looking at a structural change in the relationship that will continue even if Trump does not stay for a second term”, – said Steve Tsang, director of the China Institute of the London School of Oriental and African Studies.
American and Chinese battleships constantly compete in the South China Sea, where the strategically important routes of the Asia-Pacific region lie. The US imposes sanctions on China and has declared war on Huawei.
Tsang said tough anti-Chinese views have already been imprinted on the American system. Pompeo’s speech was only the latest in a series of harsh criticism, including from the head of the Pentagon, Mark Esper.
“The interactions we are doing have not brought about the changes in China that President Nixon hoped for”, – Pompeo said.
“The truth is that our policies and the policies of other free countries have resurrected China’s failing economy, only to see Beijing bite the international hands that fed it”.