The State Duma adopted a law recognizing attempts to alienate the territory of Russia as extremism

Bringing the norms of the law in accordance with the new amendments to the Constitution of Russia, the State Duma clarified that not only violation of the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation is recognized as extremism, but also the alienation of part of its territory.

The State Duma adopted a law recognizing attempts to alienate the territory of Russia as extremism

According to TASS, the State Duma on Wednesday adopted in the third reading a bill on equating the alienation of Russian territories with extremism. The initiative was developed by Pavel Krasheninnikov and Andrey Klishas, ​​co-chairs of the working group on the preparation of amendments to the constitution.

“This is the first bill that was prepared after the amendments to the constitution came into force. Many hotheads may cool off after we adopt the norms of this law. And they will understand that it is punished very seriously. Any calls to separate a region or a part of it from Russia are unacceptable and should be strictly suppressed, ” said State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin.

The package with this bill includes amendments supplementing the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation with a new article 280.2 “Violation of the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation”, the punishment for it will be from 6 to 10 years in prison. The same package includes legislative initiatives on administrative fines for calls for the alienation of Russian territories.