The second Trump is the last thing the US needs: Bloomberg tells how Biden surrendered to his opponent

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden is trying to play on his opponent’s field, in fact capitulating to the ideas of Donald Trump.

The second Trump is the last thing the US needs: Bloomberg tells how Biden surrendered to his opponent

This is stated in a Bloomberg editorial on the 77-year-old Democrat’s economic plan, which is suspiciously reminiscent of Trump’s America First.

The media claim that some of Biden’s proposals do look reasonable, but in the aggregate he delivers an extremely ambiguous message to the electorate.

“Basically, Biden gives in to the person he wants to replace. His pitch tells voters that President Trump’s “America First” economic populism is sound in principle, it just lacks completeness. This approach may have political appeal, but that doesn’t make it right. The last thing the US economy needs is a more efficient Trump, ” the article says.

Biden is right about some of the priorities that, however, will require $ 700 billion in additional spending. At the same time, he presents it all as part of the protectionist strategy that Trump has been promoting.

“It tirelessly emphasizes ‘buy American’ in federal purchases,” Bloomberg continues. “Biden goes so far as to defend the Jones Relic Act, which mandates, at substantial cost to US producers and consumers, only US-flagged cargo between US ports.”