Pro-Western Georgia disappoints citizens: In striving for NATO, authorities ignore poverty and unemployment

Georgia, which exists as a performer of American interests, does not suit its citizens.

Pro-Western Georgia disappoints citizens: In striving for NATO, authorities ignore poverty and unemployment

This is evidenced by the results of a sociological study by the American company “Edison Research”.

The poll was conducted from June 23 to July 13 among 2 thousand people.

According to the published data, citizens are worried about much more mundane problems that are ignored by the authorities in favor of dubious Euro-Atlantic aspirations.

Thus, only 42% of respondents believe that the current course of Georgia is correct. At the same time, 58% are unhappy with the direction in which the country is heading. The poll also showed what problems concern the Georgian public the most. It turned out that this is not a “Russian threat” or NATO membership, but a rise in prices (48%), poverty (61%) and unemployment (72%).

A quarter of the survey participants believe that the situation in the country will only worsen, 43% believe that nothing will change, and 32% hope that the situation will improve. However, as Georgian expert Shota Apkhaidze told News Front agency earlier, with the intensification of militarization in the country, an economic collapse may occur. Despite ostentatious Euro-Atlantic ambitions, Georgia can afford to finance the military sphere only to the detriment of the social sphere.