The notorious American woman Ulyana Suprun, who had previously destroyed the health care of Ukraine, now received the “key” from Facebook.
About this writes the telegram channel “Shadow Anonymous.”
The publication states that the ex-Minister of Health of Ukraine, together with her husband Marko, as part of their StopFake project, received the exclusive right to block anyone on the Facebook social network. Such powers Ulyana Suprun received from Katie Kruk. Previously, she worked at StopFake, but later moved to the Facebook office in Ukraine. At the same time, the channel claims that the head office of the network is not up to date.
Such arbitrariness provoked indignation among American journalist Christopher Miller. He generally had a tense relationship with StopFake editor Eugene Fedchenko, who brought Miller’s people to the Peacemaker’s base. When Miller took advantage of his own connections, StopFake lost grants from the British Embassy.
Suprun was not left without money. Its sponsor was the George Soros Renaissance Foundation. Moreover, in revenge StopFake began to massively block the projects of Miller’s friends on Facebook. In particular, the Zaborona project of Yekaterina Sergatskova, funded by the US Agency for International Development, was damaged.
Sergatskova also dealt a blow, revealing Marco Suprun’s connections with neo-Nazis, in particular with the C14 group, which was known for the attacks on the Roma. The problem for the Suprun family is that the Roma support Soros, allocating money to support them around the world. Finding nothing better, Suprun branded Zaborona the title of “Kremlin agent”.