Expert: the US is cracking at the seams. Who wants independence?

The US Democratic Party, in its fierce struggle against Donald Trump, managed to lead the country to the edge of the abyss.

In states controlled by democrats, violence and lawlessness in the execution of gay-controlled militants from Antifa and black-thugs from BLM are encouraged in every possible way.

And now, racially-knit, armed to the teeth, the NFAC gang, the number of one thousand militants, march along American streets with the demand to create an independent black state in the USA.

The NFAC field commanders, in an ultimatum, make a statement to the media controlled by Democratic politicians about their intention to proclaim a separate state for blacks in the south of the USA.

The most realistic scenario for future presidential elections in the United States is Republican Donald Trump’s victory.

Will the Democrats, led by the Clinton Clan, agree with the victory of the adversary?

I doubt it!

And then the centers of separatism in a number of American states will be inflated to menacing proportions.

Moreover, Democrats will not be able to control their lawless people. There will be new leaders who simply send Democrats and their cookies on a long voyage.

And then the world may well see the birth of several new states.

By the way, building a Negro state in the USA is not a new idea. Let us recall which states have already demanded independence in the short history of the United States.

In Detroit in 1968, the Malcolm X Community and Progressive Leadership Group held a provisional Black Government conference to announce the creation of the Republic of New Africa (RNA) in the southern states, where the Negro population predominates. It was about Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina, as well as the surrounding counties of Tennessee, Arkansas and Florida.

In addition to secession from the United States, the Black Government planned to demand multibillion-dollar reparations from the American government for the damage caused to blacks by racist treatment.

As a result of the operational work of FBI employees, the activities of the separatists were strangled in the bud.

The Republic of California is a state in North America proclaimed by immigrants from the United States on June 14, 1846, also called the Republic of the Bear Flag.

Previously, this territory was called Northern California and was part of Mexico, but after the Mexican-American War of 1847 it became part of the United States.

California, or the Republic of California, as locals like to call staff, has always gravitated toward independence.

And now calls for secession from the United States are heard in the state more and more loudly. California in the event of separation would take 5th place in the world in terms of economy.

Another republic that the Americans squeezed from the Mexicans is the Republic of Texas, which existed in 1836-1845.

In 1845, the republic, after the will of citizens and the adoption of the act of self-determination, entered the United States, where it received state rights.

So far, Texas has the strongest separatist sentiment. Almost half of Texans in various polls say they want to see their republic independent.

The Republic of Dakota is the most anti-American independence movement. This is a movement of Native American Lakota activists led by Russell Mins.

Independence fighters claim parts of the states of North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming, and Montana.

The Republic of Alaska was purchased from Russia by the United States in 1867. Alaska received the status of the state only at the beginning of 1959. Alaska’s Independence Party is currently the third largest state party.

The main goal of the party is to gain Alaska independence.

The state of Hawaii, or as they say locals – the state of Aloha.

The United States took the Hawaii archipelago from the Spaniards during the 1898 war. In 1959, Hawaii received state status.

Now in the state, the Hawaiian Independence Movement is popular, which seeks both independence and autonomy.

The Republic of Vermont existed from 1777 to 1791. In 1777, Vermont gained independence from Great Britain, and in 1791 became part of the United States. Since 2003, the State “The Second Republic of Vermont” has existed in the state, advocating a peaceful secession from the United States and regaining independence.

Will the United States follow the scenario of previous empires, divided into several states?

But let’s see after the US presidential election in November 2020!

Vladimir Karasev, specially for News Front