In the U.S., told how many citizens will not survive the election because of COVID-19

During the 5 months of the epidemic in the U.S., 2 million people were infected with coronavirus. For the third million, it took only 4 weeks.

This is reported by the American edition of “Politico”.

According to the media, the country’s prospects look bleak. In spring, it was expected that in time the methods of fighting the coronavirus would be worked out and improved. Testing, contact tracing and distancing should have been widely used. In practice, this did not happen. Instead of consolidating efforts, the system was “fragmented and disorganized,” says the publication.

In this regard, the Institute of Metrics and Health Assessment of the University of Washington announced a forecast on the number of lethal outcomes. It is expected that by November, when the U.S. presidential elections are held, more than 208 thousand people will become victims of coronavirus.

“Many states are expected to see a significant increase in the number of cases and deaths in September and October”, –  said Institute Director Christopher Murray.

To date, 134,000 deaths from coronavirus have been reported in the U.S.