«No» to masters, slaves and blacklists. Twitter removed racist terms

Twitter has removed the terms «master», «slave» and «blacklist» from program codes, BBC News reported.

It is noted that on Thursday the engineering department of the social network published a list of terms, the use of which it was decided to abandon in favor of a «more inclusive language».

Thus, the term “whitelist” was replaced by “permission list”, and “master / slave” by “leader / follower”.

A similar decision was made by several other companies, for example, the American bank JPMorgan.
The fight against racism after the murder of African American George Floyd by police in Minneapolis was called the reason for this step in the company.

Against the backdrop of the death of African American George Floyd at the hands of the police in the United States, discussions about racial discrimination began again, protests took place in many cities, and several more monuments to the southerners who fought in the US Civil War were demolished.

During the conflict of the North and South of 1861-1865 on the basis of slavery, some states broke away from the United States and formed the Confederate States of America (CAB).

The military conflict ended with the victory of the North and the restoration of the United States within its former borders. Moreover, slaves were freed, although the de facto position of African Americans remained unequal in many states until the 1960s.