American ideology of emotional security

The main events of the past day in the advanced world were the statement of the speaker of the U.S. Congress Nancy Pelosi on the need to urgently introduce new sanctions against Russia, as well as new records of daily growth of new Coronavirus infected Americans.

Pelosi’s statement, let us remind you, followed a quite crazy story with “Russia’s collusion with the Taliban* against the Americans. In the dry end, this story does not even represent information obtained by American intelligence officers from their sources, but the “conclusion drawn from the interrogation of the Taliban” by some analysts – that someone in Russia decided to pay the Taliban, who have been killing American servicemen for many years (Russia might as well pay the Africans extra for the birth rate).

This powerful conclusion was not confirmed, according to statements by the Pentagon and National Security Adviser O’Brien, and therefore they did not even report it to the U.S. President in due course. As, apparently, about many other assumptions and assumptions that have not found confirmation, the receipt and development of which, in fact, is the direct work of intelligence agencies.

But the trick is that today’s America no longer lives by the normal laws of functioning of a normal state (“A lot of inexplicable things are happening in Washington now”, correctly described the situation by Dmitry Peskov). It lives by the law of the deadly internal battle of the hippes, and this law can be formulated as follows: “No laws”.

That is why the head of the House of Representatives of the nuclear power, one of the first persons of the state, which also proclaims justice and fairness as its ideology, reacts to the fact of the appearance of unconfirmed by nothing “operational information” with an unambiguous and practical political conclusion: it is necessary to impose sanctions against the other nuclear power and it should be done immediately.

And the media, which threw the information itself into the public space without bothering with its reliability, are already incriminating the current president of the country in the fact that he “does not like to be reported badly about Russia”. By doing so, they are working on a new case, so to speak, “Trump is a Russian spy”, a thesis that has repeatedly failed before.
As for the second “news of the day” – that the number of daily detected cases of COVID-19 in the U.S. has increased to a record 50,000 +, it is amazing how it is practiced by the American media.

For example, here is what the authoritative Huffington Post writes:

“Some of the reasons for the latest spike can be traced back to the Memorial Day celebrations at the end of May”.



“Trump’s anti-masque crusade has returned to bite him.”


The New York Times:

“Surveys show that many American men consider wearing a mask to be a sign of weakness, and President Trump’s refusal to wear a mask suggests he considers it a case for the weak.

If you thought there was something missing in these powerful examples of analytics, no, you didn’t. In them there is a complete taboo that from the end of May to the present day all over America, spitting on the social distance, the call to sit at home and everything else, the representatives of progressive and correct Black Lives Matter movement walk in crowds of thousands, doing a lot of deeply socialized actions: smashing shops, setting buildings on fire, hitting cars, killing people (at the moment, by the most modest and far from complete estimates, there are more than 25 corpses on the BLM account), kneeling and washing the legs of minorities.

Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Americans have resolutely scored on precautions and started acting as if there was no coronavirus. All outside observers pointed out that this simply could not end up any differently than a hell of a spike in disease, but when the spike came, it turned out that you could not tell the truth about it.
Therefore, progressive analysts scold the toxic masculinity of the people (the wrong people), the irresponsibility of Trump and the May Day of Memory, but stubbornly unwilling to see lying on the surface, thundering into all the chimneys and the smoke of fire the obvious cause.

What I would like to note here.

There is reason to believe that these two examples are symptoms of one phenomenon – scale and frightening.
In short, it can be called an “ideology of emotional safety”. According to this ideology, only that logic and the facts that do not hurt the emotional comfort of the target audience and do not contradict its views have the right to exist.

For the target audience, the question of how stupid the stuffing about “Russian payment for American scalps” is does not matter. And the question of what really caused the new coronavirus surge in America is not important either.

We’re dealing with some kind of monstrous emo-variance of Occam’s razor, according to which there’s no need to look for true interpretations of any phenomena if there’s an emotionally satisfying and correct interpretation.

That’s why – “in any difficult situation Russia and Trump are to blame”.

This, of course, will not help solve the real problems facing America – the loss of the notorious world leadership and inability to cope with the pandemic.

On the other hand, it will satisfy the militancy of progressive forces within American society and allow the opponents of the current American president to shake it off.

By the way, all of this is happening in a country that someone is still setting an example for us. However, judging by the results of the popular vote, the magic of the phrase “As in America” has already ceased to apply to Russia.

Viktor Marakhovsky.