Iran commented on the US sanctions against Syria

Tehran believes that Washington’s sanctions against Damascus are not constructive, one way or another they are doomed to failure, Iranian government official Ali Rabiya told.

According to him, the U.S. attempts to jeopardize the economic cooperation between Iran and Syria, as well as Lebanon, speaks about the lack of understanding of the “depth of relations” between these countries. Commenting on the Caesar Law, the official noted that the sanctions are useless and there is nothing new in them.

“We are convinced that they will fail this time too. We consider this American law non-constructive and consider it an interference (in Syria’s affairs), we condemn it”, –  Rabiya said.

U.S. President Donald Trump signed the law, which became known as Caesar, in late 2019. It came into force June 1 and includes sanctions that affect virtually all sectors of the Syrian economy. The sanctions list was extended on June 17, and 14 people were subjected to restrictions, including the wife of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad Asma and his sister Bushra, as well as 21 organizations.

Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Moallem said that the U.S. is trying to deprive the Syrian population of “the last piece of bread”, using the sanctions as a last weapon to achieve their goals in the ATS. According to him, Damascus has already learned how to counter Washington`s sanctions and is taking action to combat the consequences of sanctions.