Five US states break records for the number of coronavirus infected per day

In the US, the situation with coronavirus amid mass riots is only getting worse. So, in five states, infection is getting out of control.

Five US states break records for the number of coronavirus infected per day

In Florida, 9,585 cases were recorded per day. In Arizona – 3,591.

Mike Pence canceled a Trump re-election event in these states. This decision was made because of precaution.

In Nevada, too, a new record – 1,099. In South Carolina, 1,604 new cases per day. In Georgia – 1990.

For the third day in the USA, more than 40 thousand cases of infection per day are recorded per day.

Kami Kim, director of the Department of Infectious Diseases and International Medicine at the University of South Florida, said the state authorities removed the restrictions too soon and declared victory over the virus.