Trump thinks China can interfere with the vote by mail

The U.S. President called mail-order security the most important issue in the upcoming elections

U.S. President Donald Trump believes that China may interfere in the voting by mail during the presidential election.

“I think this [mail-order voting security] is the most important issue. Look, there are millions of ballots in California, where do they go? – he said Thursday at a voter meeting organized by Fox News. – The other thing is that there are foreign countries – Russia, China, <…> especially China. They can print millions of ballots using the same paper, the same [printing] machine”.

“It’s the biggest risk – mail-order voting, not even voting [not in the place of residence]”, –  he said. – “We voted in World Wars I and II, now we have the virus. <…> People want to vote.”

Trump has repeatedly criticized the possibility of voting by mail. According to a recent poll by Real Clear Politics, former vice president Joseph Biden, who won enough support from delegates at the upcoming Democratic Party congress to run for president, outpaced Trump by an average of 9.5% in popularity among voters.

The 59th US presidential election is scheduled for November 3.