South Korean investigators searched the home and office of the head of an NGO that sent leaflets to DPRK

“Fighters for a free North Korea” sent a portion of leaflets to DPRK on the night of June 23 criticizing the leadership of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

On Friday, police in the Republic of Korea searched the home and office of DPRK defector Park Sang-haka, the head of the non-governmental organization (NGO) “Fighters for Free North Korea” in a case involving the illegal sending of propaganda leaflets to the North. This was reported by the country’s national police department.

“The search is part of the investigative measures aimed at collecting evidence of illegal activities”, –  the report says.

The NGO “Fighters for a Free North Korea”, which unites defectors from the North living in the Republic of Korea, sent a new portion of leaflets to DPRK on the night of June 23 criticising the leadership of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. Sang-Hak Park then told reporters that the activists had launched 20 helium-filled blimps with 500,000 leaflets, as well as 2,000 one-dollar banknotes and 1,000 SD cards with propaganda data, from the border town of Phaju to DPRK.