Politician says US sanctions can unite Arab peoples

The US is trying to impose its will on the Syrian people and the Arab world as a whole by means of their sanctions. That’s the way to get compensation for the defeat in the military campaign against the SAR.

The new stage of the American sanctions pressure gave rise to call for an expansion of the resistance front against Washington’s influence in the Arab world, a member of the Palestine Liberation Movement Council Ali Faisal said on Friday. 

On Friday, a meeting of the solidarity of Palestinian, Lebanese and Syrian political organizations supporting the leadership of the SAR in the fight against the Caesar law adopted by the United States took place at the Syrian Embassy in Baabda.

“Here they are trying to compensate for the defeat of their military campaign in Syria with such actions, which is reflected in the Palestinian people, that is still blockaded but resists. The blockade and sanctions will not break our peoples. Today we have come to express our solidarity and support for Syria. Times of Caesars have passed a very long time ago, and we will not allow the American so-called Caesar to dictate our will to us. We call for the expansion of the front of resistance in Palestine, Lebanon and the Arab world as a whole against US actions that lead to the real extermination of the Palestinian people in particular, and the Arab nations as a whole”, – said Faisal.

According to the politician, the goal of Caesar sanctions is to take control of the Arab region, at this stage through sanctions against Syria and Lebanon.

“They tried to do this – to organize an economic blockade in other countries, including those against Russia, but they failed to achieve the results they needed anywhere”, – he added.

Deal of the Century
One of the organizers of the meeting of solidarity with the SAR, the former Secretary General of the Arab National Conference, Maan Bashshur, told the reporters that all the participants in the meeting today arrived at the Syrian Embassy to openly express their support, which indicates a stronger unity of the Arab nations in front of a common problem.

Representatives of political movements present at the meeting “expressed confidence in the interconnection of this law and the deal of the century (the US plan for Israeli-Palestinian settlement – ed.). Caesar sanctions are part of the executive elements of the deal, which includes the annexation of new Palestinian territories.

“This, like other attacks on Arab states and peoples, is a link in the general chain of the deal. Therefore, the reason for the meeting is solidarity with Syria in opposing the Caesar law, but the main point is the opposition to American hegemony in the region”, – Bashshur.

The US President Donald Trump on January 28 presented a peace plan, known as the “deal of the century”. The White House Plan recognizes Jerusalem as the single and indivisible capital of Israel, opens up the possibility for Israel to annex the Palestinian territories on the West Bank and extend its sovereignty to the Jordan Valley, and also proposes the creation of a demilitarized Palestinian state, deprived of control over its borders and airspace. As the future capital of Palestine, the plan proposes the village of Abu Dis in the eastern suburbs of Jerusalem.

Despite the White House’s ostentatious desire to focus on internal issues, real politics looks different. Washington is preparing a plan to prosecute countries where religious freedoms are violated.

“Today in Lebanon, as well as throughout the Arab world, we will form alliances to support the Syrians in the fight against unilateral sanctions, working with all forces against the siege of Syria. Syria has never skimped on helping the Arab peoples, supporting their rights, therefore, today all representatives of the Arab world must support Syria, together with its allies”, – Bashshur added.

According to the agency’s interlocutor, against the backdrop of new US sanctions designed to tighten Syria’s economic blockade, Russia has once again confirmed the depth of its strong relations with the SAR, has proved its commitment and respect for international law and the foundations of peace and stability, “while one country – the US – is attacking another country (SAR) by unilateral sanctions, which is also a member of the UN, violating basic international law”.

“These measures are aimed at Syria, but we must realize that this is part of a large-scale project that affected Iran, Venezuela, Russia, China, North Korea and such Arab countries as Yemen and Lebanon. We feel that this is one battle and must be united in general opposition to US hegemony”, – Bashshur emphasized.