In Montenegro, any assembly on the background of mass protests was banned

It was also decided to cancel the Statehood Day reception.

The National Coordination Committee for the fight against coronavirus has banned all mass actions in Montenegro. This was reported on Thursday by the press service of the country’s Cabinet.

“Due to the increase in the number of active cases of COVID-19 imported from abroad and dispersed within the country, the committee decided: all political meetings in public places in the open air are prohibited, the presence of spectators at sporting events is prohibited, it is forbidden to gather believers in public places in the open air, except for religious sites, funerals are held only in a narrow circle of relatives”, –  the report said. It was also decided to cancel the reception in honor of the Day of Statehood.

Earlier, the government of Montenegro declared the country “a zone free of coronavirus. May 25, the Cabinet of Ministers of Montenegro announced that all patients infected with coronavirus had been cured. At the same time, experts warned that the very small number of those tested did not give an idea of the scale of the virus spread in the country.

After the lifting of sanitary restrictions, protests by believers against the law on freedom of religion erupted with renewed force in the country. The political situation has also deteriorated over the past week as a result of confrontations between the authorities and the opposition in Budva. In this tourist city, the opposition has been resisting for a week the illegal, in its opinion, change of city government by the ruling party of President Milo Djukanovic. The opposition leadership of Budva was defended by the citizens of the city after the head of the Budva Municipality, Makro Tsarevic, and his supporters were beaten in detention.

Police action in Budva sparked protests across the country, which were violently dispersed by the authorities. On Wednesday evening, the Montenegrin police used tear gas to disperse protests in several Montenegrin cities, nine police officers were injured and over 40 citizens were detained.

According to the Institute of Public Health of Montenegro, 333 people fell ill during the first phase of the pandemic in the country, nine of them died. In recent days, according to the Ministry, 90 new cases of coronavirus infection had been recorded in the country.