Plahotniuc personally issued instructions to Moldovan ambassadors, and envelopes with money to deputies

Yuri Renitsa, who holds the post of deputy of the Moldovan parliament, told how the fugitive Democratic leader Vladimir Plahotniuc held a secret meeting.

In addition to him, former Prime Minister Pavel Filip and Foreign Minister Tudor Ulyanovsky and all the ambassadors of Moldova took part in it.

“This is a matter that the Attorney General should worry about. This is a secret meeting on July 8, 2018, in which Vlad Plahotniuc and our ambassadors took part. The meeting was attended by ex-Prime Minister Pavel Filip and ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs Ulyanovsk. During this secret meeting, the oligarch Plahotniuc, contrary to legislative norms, gave instructions to the ambassadors as if he were the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Prime Minister or the head of state.

In the framework of such meetings, Plahotniuc repeated three times that he was specifically fighting corruption. And to make it more effective, every month Plahotniuc passed to the ministers of the government an envelope with money so that they would not steal. Neither Philip nor Ulyanovsky contradicted their supreme boss, ” he said.