South Korean authorities say Bolton is lying

Seoul sharply criticized the former White House adviser for misrepresenting talks about the US, North Korea, and South Korea.

According to Interfax, the administration of South Korean President Moon Jae In reproached the former White House National Security Advisor John Bolton for his “distorted” report of what happened during the negotiations between the United States, North Korea and South Korea.

“A significant part of the information presented by Bolton is distorted. Bolton in his book showed his own point of view on events, and not exact facts. The unilateral disclosure by the ex-adviser to Trump of the content of the negotiations could harm future meetings, ” said Jae Ina, the Head of the National Security Directorate in the Administration, Jung Yui Young.

In a separate statement, Yoon Do Han, senior secretary of the presidential administration for public relations, called for not to offer such a “distorted” report based on “bias and prejudice.”