Polish General says they pay the US too much for security

On June 24, American President Donald Trump will meet with his Polish counterpart, Andrzej Duda.

According to the Polish general Waldemar Skshypchack, this meeting plays into the hands of both heads of state, primarily in strengthening their position. However, the price Poland pays for the security the US promises is too high. In an interview with Do Rzeczy, Skshypchack acknowledged that in the current situation, the Poles continue to make every effort to ensure that Americans are based in Poland.

“However, they are already here. It does not matter if there are more or less soldiers. This does not matter in the security context. This is demagogy”, – he assured.

At the same time, the general drew attention to the fact that Poland should refuse the rhetoric proposed by Trump to “transfer” the military from Germany, because, taking away from Germany and giving Poland back, the US president simply harms NATO,

When asked why Trumps really need Poles, Skshypchack replied:

“Trump is a weak politician, but he is also a great businessman. In the context of a meeting with our president and steps in terms of defense, he acts like a businessman. Moreover, in general, he gets along well with Putin, while we do not have good relations with Russia. But being close to Trump, we essentially support American industry. We never spent as much money on American industry as it is now”.