US companies produce more gas than they can sell, forcing Donald Trump to advance their interests at all costs.
It is reported by the publication “Die Welt”.
As the article says, Trump practically managed to make the United States the No. 1 gas power, when in 2018 energy production increased by 13%, and a year later by 11%. Problems arose when it turned out that the United States produces more than they can market. Washington began to urgently search for potential buyers in Europe, suddenly discovering that Russia occupies 40% of the European market.
The representative of the consulting company Brookings, Giovanna De Mayo, commented on the publication that under the pretext of “protecting the European Union from Russian influence,” the United States is promoting its own commercial interests. And in this they do not disdain the most “dirty” methods, including pressure and threats.
Nevertheless, to date, the United States has no resources left to stop the construction of the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline, they are confident in the publication. They say that Moscow found a way to avoid the impact of US sanctions and removed the Akademik Chersky vessel from Gazprom’s jurisdiction. Now the ship, capable of completing the construction of the gas pipeline, is registered with the STIF fund and US restrictive measures against it are powerless.
As News Front previously reported, back in December last year, a package of sanctions was dragged along with the military budget in the US Congress. He touched on companies directly involved in construction. When the punitive measures took effect, the Swiss company Allseas, which provided pipe layers and supply vessels, left the project. Construction was suspended at the final stage.
Now, a new bill has been introduced for consideration by the US Senate that expands punitive measures. The authors of the document were Republican Senators Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton, Ron Johnson and John Barrazo, as well as Democratic Party spokeswoman Gene Shahin. According to the bill, Washington can now blacklist companies and structures providing insurance assistance in the construction of the gas pipeline or legal support for the project.