Putin: Situation with coronavirus highlighted common problems in the U.S.

President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin commented on the events in the United States, describing what is happening as a result of deep crises in the country, which the authorities must deal with themselves.

Putin: Situation with coronavirus highlighted common problems in the U.S.

“I very carefully try to comment (or better not comment) what is happening in other countries, including the United States … What happened is a manifestation of some deep-seated internal crises. In fact, we have been observing this for a long time, from the moment the incumbent president came to power, when he won, he won absolutely obviously, in a democratic way. And the losing side came up with all sorts of fables, only to question its legitimacy, ” the head of state said.

Putin emphasized that the situation with coronavirus highlighted common problems in the United States.

“Here the president says:“ It is necessary to do so-and-so, so-and-so. ” At the local level, the governors say: “Go away,” he said, noting that the problem is that party interests in this case are put above the interests of the people.