Nine billion euros will be spent by the German Federal Government on promoting the use of the environmentally friendly energy carrier, hydrogen.
This is reported by the Polish edition of “BiznesAlert”.
They drew attention to the fact that Gazprom has been studying the possibility of using Nord Stream-2 for several years to supply hydrogen to Europe. German companies are already interested in this, and official Berlin has adopted a ten-year strategy to promote the use of hydrogen. The German government’s programme effectively levels out the limitations of the EU Gas Directive, opening up promising opportunities for using the Russian pipeline.
Moreover, the German authorities’ plans are aimed at creating a large international supply network. For example, 2 billion euros will be spent on promoting the use of hydrogen in developing countries. The German government also intends to take advantage of the EU Presidency, which begins on 1 July, to develop the necessary infrastructure throughout Europe. All this will make it possible not just to use Nord Stream-2, but to use it at full capacity, the publication explains.
As previously reported by News Front, a year ago, the European Union introduced restrictions aimed at gas pipelines that supply energy from third countries. In fact, the gas directive prohibited the mining company from owning the pipeline. Moreover, half of the capacity has to be reserved for third party suppliers.
At the end of May it became known that the German regulator exempted Nord Stream from restrictions, as it was already built when the gas directive was introduced. No such measures could be taken with regard to Nord Stream 2. Nevertheless, the hydrogen plan may become an alternative option.