Expert: there will be a split line between Germany and the USA along the Nord Stream 2

Analyzing the publication in the German press, analysts of TG-channel “Doсtor Sosnovsky” believe that this time the Germans will not yield to the interests of the United States.

The German edition of Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, asked its readers a question: “Will JV-2 make Germany dependent on Moscow or will we benefit from this project?” – 76% of readers considered JV-2 to be necessary for Germany.

“Germany will not give up the second cheek, but will find an opportunity to give an adequate answer”, –  TG-channel experts believe, – “it is important for Moscow not to miss the moment – to complete the project, to show Berlin its punctuality, but do not pedal the political side of the project. Berlin should have its hands untied as far as the political claims of the EU and Germany are concerned. Let them criticize Russia from the point of view of their European colleagues, but decide the issue solely for the sake of profitability for Germany. In this case, the loser side will remain behind the ocean.”