Democrat candidate Joe Biden takes PR measures for the death of the murdered black American.
According to the experts of the Russian Demiurge Telegram channel, George Floyd’s funeral is a purely media-related event of a pre-election nature, and therefore has received a nationwide resonance in America.
“In the photo, the US presidential candidate, hereditary politician Joe Biden speaks via Skype at the private funeral of George Floyd, a black crime suspect. Here, in general, everything is in one bottle. Political expediency, pre-election politicking, the third-rate PR, and the race for the rating – everything except the only worthy goal of the last farewell”, the channel’s authors write.
“Well, tell me, what is really common between the pale-faced former US vice president, whose great-great-grandfathers were congressmen and businessmen in the 19th century, and the five-time-tried black-skinned recidivist who sat tightly on fentanyl and methamphetamine?”
Channel experts consider the past funeral a well-thought-out theater performance.
There you can see a well-thought-out scenario, and stimulated dramaturgy, and acting, and visual effects, and even elements of the show with the participation of celebrities. In general, everything, except, in fact, goodbye, the Russian Demiurge summarizes.