Unrest erupted in the United States was a natural reaction to the pressure of the capitalist system, depriving citizens of their rights and resources for prosperity.
This was told by an American writer and Ph.D. at Yale, Philip MacHarris, in a publication for The Guardian.
“When people are systematically beaten, killed, and given no resources for prosperity, rebellion becomes inevitable. This serves as a human response to conditions that become so unbearable that rebellion becomes instinctive, despite the consequences, ” he writes.
According to the author, the reason for the protests is much wider than the murder of African-American George Floyd. The reasons are in the very system created by the capitalists, which does not work in the interests of most Americans. As an example, Makharris pointed to 40 million unemployed Americans whose savings, according to studies, do not exceed $ 400.
At the same time, the author criticized those who call violence the riots taking place on the streets of American cities. He believes that this concept is used to “justify an aggressive response” by the authorities.
“Police arbitrariness, white vijilantism and poverty – all this directly threatens the very existence of people. This is real violence, ” says MacHarris.
Capitalized on racism, capitalism has created a society “filled with unnecessary pain and suffering,” the publication says. Americans became victims of business, because capitalism and the police are connected – the police protect capital, business and property. The coronavirus pandemic only exacerbated the crisis of the American system: the government failed in its tasks, and millions of people were left without work.
“Rebellion cannot be reduced to the case of natural opportunism, which occurs when there is no law and order. Rather, this is a sign, especially given that it is happening at the interracial level, the status quo does not work, and people are fed up with it, ” the author concluded.