Els treballadors de #Nissan cremen pneumàtics davant la fàbrica de la Zona Franca. Un grup es dirigeix a peu amb la intenció de tallar la ronda litoral. pic.twitter.com/f4xAbqosxM
— David Angela (@davidangelagam) May 28, 2020
Automobile company Nissan announced the closure of its factory in Barcelona, which led to protests.
It is reported by “European truth” with reference to La Vanguardia.
The closure of the plant directly means job loss for 3 thousand of its employees, however, an indirect consequence may be the loss of 20 thousand jobs, which depend on the work of the plant.
The decision to close it provoked protests. In particular, dozens of people burned tires in front of the factory building.
In addition, angry workers blocked several roads in protest.