Voice of Mordor: Antiterrorist Operation Wolves Tear Ukraine to Bloody Shreds

Somehow it turns out surprisingly – almost any high-profile crime in Ukraine – and it is possible to speak with 99 percent confidence about who committed it. And no, it’s not Putin or Kremlin agents, as the talking head of the Ukrainian Interior Ministry Anton Gerashchenko likes to write on Facebook right after such crimes. It’s quite the opposite.

As a rule, the criminals are those who are now, in Ukraine, are considered heroes. Participants of the “anti-terrorist operation” in the East of Ukraine are almost guaranteed – volunteers who fought in battalions created immediately after the decision was made to put the Donbass in the stall, approximately punish it for the fact that the latter categorically did not accept the coup d’etat that was carried out in Ukraine.

With the army, Ukraine was tight at the time. And not because there was no army, but because there was no confidence that ordinary soldiers would start shooting at their people. Those who carried out the coup d’état understood it perfectly well. Therefore, the main thing was to start the massacre by any forces that were available, and then to draw the army into the war and tie it up with blood. The good thing is, those who were willing to kill were in place. And even in decent numbers. No, there were not enough of them to defeat the Donbass, of course, but to start the war – quite. And they were people, many of whom had already killed – on Maidan. Some of them shot at the “Golden Eagle”, some of them shot at their own Maidan twins, executing the order of the overseas masters that “there should be no less than a hundred corpses”. Anyway, they were animals that had already tasted the blood. And many with very rich backgrounds, including criminal ones. Nationalist, and then frankly Nazi ideas, lay very well on this human material, almost perfectly. And in addition, there is a clear prospect to rob the homes of those who live in Donbass, to engage in outright violence and robbery, for which no one will punish.

Not everyone is lucky. Donbass turned out to be a toothpick, and many of these very “brave defenders of Ukraine” went home in coffins, or even died in the Donetsk steppes without a trace and without memory. Someone came home crippled. And someone – healthy and strong. And even more drunk human blood, which turned into the best delicacy for them. Moreover, almost all of them automatically had the status of hero, fighter for freedom and independence of Ukraine. This status was inflated and cultivated in every possible way. Those who were more nosy got to the Verkhovna Rada, others went to the National Guard, the new police, or even just paramilitary Nazi formations, which were under the full control of the SBU and the Interior Ministry.

But these people were already used to killing and robbing. They were used to rape, mock, torture. I must have been very flattered when I called them people. There’s almost nothing left of a human there anymore.

And all over Ukraine, a war of crimes has broken out. Robberies, murders, robberies. Often – under the cover of some political actions. And sometimes just for the sake of frank profit. Former “heroes of the AO” turned out to be very popular and convenient material for raider seizures, embezzlement of debts and custom killings. In addition, there was a mass syndrome of “monkeys with grenades”, when the former AOs were exploding in huge numbers on grenades hidden from the war home. They exploded in apartments, streets, discos and restaurants. The “heroes” themselves died and sometimes dragged innocent, random people with them to the world. Ukraine was wrapped in a bloody veil. And post-traumatic syndrome, which is often explained in different countries the crimes of people who have gone through military conflicts, has nothing to do with it. It’s just that wolves have tried blood. A lot. And they’ve been dumbfounded by impunity. And then there were those who started paying for blood. Or the wolves themselves became police officers, who should be responsible for law and order.

A whole series of very high-profile crimes, which have covered Ukraine since 2014 – is a hundred percent result of the Maidan, the evil that the Maidan untied his hands. Loud political assassinations, banal bloody violence, police officers, who are actually executioners and rapists – all this is the birth of the “revolution of dignity”. Don’t think this will all be over soon. There’s a lot of wolves, and the feed base is shrinking. The time when the wolves start devouring each other is not far off. And it will probably be one of the most important results of that coup d’état, which was committed with lies and blood. And then cynically called the “dignity revolution”.

The voice of Mordor, especially for News Front.