State Department says five American Open Skies violations

Both the United States and other countries boycotted the terms of the OST, but this is not a reason for terminating the agreement.

State Department says five American Open Skies violations

On Tuesday, May 26, the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia.

In particular, the agency draws attention to five US violations.

“Unfortunately, in the report of the State Department, as usual, problems with observance of OST by the USA themselves are hushed up,” the ministry said.

So, in 2015, the United States refused to provide the necessary number of transit airfields for the Russian An-30B observation aircraft. Thus, Washington violated the conditions for ensuring the safe arrival of the aircraft, and the position of the American side has not changed.

In 2017, the United States refused to allow refueling Robins, Ellesworth, Travis and Elmendorf at the airfields for night rest for aircraft crews. This is a violation of the right of the observing party to conduct observation flights to the maximum established range, taking into account the norms of maximum loads on the crew. The department emphasized that here we are talking about flight safety.

In addition, the United States has established a maximum range of flights over the territory of the Hawaiian Islands from the Hikam refueling airport that does not correspond to DON. Washington set a range of 900 kilometers, although it should be at least 1,160 kilometers.

The United States has established restrictions on observation flights over the Aleutian Islands. Contrary to the provisions of the agreement, aircraft were allowed to conduct observations only within the outer border of the adjacent zone, extending 24 nautical miles from the coast. At the same time, there is no opportunity to stop for a night’s rest at the King Salmon and Cold Bay refueling airports, which increases the working time of the observation crew to 14-16 hours.

Also, the United States imposes restrictions on the altitude of the observation aircraft over their territory, which do not comply with the Open Skies Treaty.

“We also have questions for some other OST member states. But we do not consider this a sufficient reason to withdraw from the treaty by slamming the door loudly. We are ready to discuss mutual claims, of course, on the understanding that such a discussion will be conducted on an equal and mutually respectful basis and will not be reduced to the ultimatum requirements of concessions from Russia, ” the Foreign Ministry stated.