Iraqi security forces have announced the elimination of the head of the ISIS

The Iraqi Counter-Terrorism Service has announced the liquidation of the leader of the Islamic State terrorist group’s branch* on Iraqi territory.

According to the Iraqi news agency INA, “Wali (governor) Iraq in the group ISIS Muataz al-Jaburi was liquidated during the operation of forces of antiterrorist service of the country”. Al-Jabouri was also an assistant to the chief of ISIS, according to security officials.

Iraqi National Intelligence reported on Wednesday that one of the possible successors to the liquidated leader of ISIS, Abdullah Kardash, has been detained. A representative of the Iraqi anti-terrorist service Sabah al-Numan said in an interview with RIA that the arrest of Kardash will help find out the sources of financing of the ISIS.

U.S. President Donald Trump announced in October 2019 that the former leader of IG* Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi had been liquidated as a result of a special operation by U.S. Special Forces in the province of Idlib in Syria. He thanked Russia, Turkey, Syria and Iraq for helping eliminate al-Baghdadi. An Islamist affiliate reported that IG* has confirmed the elimination of its leader.