Ecuador is covered by protests against the government over COVID-19


Ecuadorians protested against a bad government, whose work has led to increased unemployment and total unemployment, the protesters said.

In the video, students and workers march on their way to the Historic Center. The march is currently in the middle of the Picincha provincial government towards the Central Bank.
Earlier it was reported that COVID-19 has spread all over the world. Statistics say that in Latin America, where the virus hit in late February, Brazil, Chile and Ecuador suffered the most.
Many Ecuadorians are already out of work and many have been transferred to remote work with a 50% salary. All small and partially medium businesses were hit hard. Most people have no financial cushion and never had one. The government has promised to pay the most needy $60, but neither the mechanism nor the terms of the issue are still unclear, and the amount is minuscule.

After being locked up, many people are already desperate. They have few options – either to go robbing, or to settle accounts with life. There are already press reports about it.