Bolsonaro requests that the investigation against him be closed for service-related crimes

The President of Brazil also reported on the commitment to democracy and the respect for the legislature and the judiciary.

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro issued a statement on Monday rejecting accusations of interference with the work of investigative bodies and requesting that the investigation be stopped. He thus reacted to the videotape of the Government meeting released at the request of former Minister of Justice Sergio Moro, who claimed violations by the Head of State. Moru argues that the video can prove that he was right.

“I have never interfered with the work of the federal police. Any contrary allegations are frivolous. Numerous federal police officers confirm in their testimony that I did not ask them for information”, –  Bolsonaro said in a written statement that was distributed. – “I believe that the investigation that led to the release of the video will be naturally closed”,-  he said.

In the statement, the head of state reported on the commitment to democracy and the respect for the representatives of the legislative and judicial authorities.

“What is needed now is universal unity. To do this, we must act so as to ensure the independence of the institutions of the republic and the harmony between them”, –  concluded Bolsonaro. The local press noted that the format chosen by the president is atypical for him, as the Brazilian leader usually prefers to make oral statements.

In late April, a political scandal erupted in Brazil, triggered by the resignation of the then Minister of Justice, Moru, from the government. He explained his decision by opposing the actions of the Head of State, who had earlier dismissed Mauricio Leite Valeixa, head of the Brazilian Federal Police, a few hours earlier. According to Moru, the Brazilian leader had thus attempted to prevent the investigation of criminal cases involving the President’s sons.

Against this backdrop, Celso de Melo, a judge of the Brazilian Federal Supreme Court, authorized the investigation of Bolsonaro, as the President was publicly accused of personal abuse of office, interference with investigative bodies and obstruction of justice. On Friday, De Melo authorized the publication of the videotape and transcript of the Government meeting of 22 April, which, according to Moru, could prove that he was right. The footage of the meeting shows the head of state complaining about the quality of the operational reports coming from the military, intelligence agencies and the federal police and warned that those responsible for security, up to and including the minister, could lose their posts.