Trump worried about falling popularity among Christians

According to Politico, on the eve of the US president called for the opening of churches, mosques and synagogues with the goal of maintaining the support of religious conservatives.

Trump worried about falling popularity among Christians

Politico reported on Saturday that Donald Trump’s Aides are concerned about the declining popularity of the US president among followers of the country’s Christian denominations. Recent polls show a drop in the popularity of the US president compared with pre-pandemic studies among white evangelical Christians by about 11 percentage points (pp), Catholics by 12 pp, and proponents of major Protestant movements by 18 pp

According to the publication, precisely in order to maintain the support of religious conservatives, Trump called on the eve to open all religious buildings – churches, mosques and synagogues – that were closed during the coronavirus pandemic.

“Governors need to do the right thing and allow these crucial religious buildings to open their doors right now, this weekend. If they do not, I will go around the governors, ” said the American leader.