Trump: China is running a misinformation campaign against the United States to win Biden’s election

The American leader also once again accused the Chinese authorities of allowing the new coronavirus to spread in the world.

U.S. President Donald Trump believes that China is interested in the victory of the democratic candidate Joseph Biden in the 2020 presidential elections, for which it is conducting a disinformation campaign against the United States.

“China has a massive misinformation campaign because it wants sleepy Joe Biden to win the presidential race. Then they can continue to rob the United States like they did for decades before I did”, –  the American leader wrote on his Twitter page.

Trump also once again accused the Chinese authorities of allowing the new coronavirus to spread in the world. “They could have easily stopped this disaster, but they didn’t”, –  Trump added.

The U.S. accuses China of withholding information about the origin of the virus and the scope of the epidemic. Beijing, for its part, expressed regret that “some politicians are using the virus situation to shelf China. On May 19, an official representative of the Chinese Foreign Ministry Zhao Lijian said that the U.S. leadership “makes unfounded statements aimed at tarnishing China’s reputation,” and demanded that the U.S. stop slandering China for the sake of solving its own problems.