European Center for Disease Prevention and Control spoke about prospects of second wave of coronavirus

Andrea Ammon, head of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), told The Guardian that the threat of a second wave of coronavirus in Europe is not abstract.

The question, she said, is when and how serious it will be.

“I don’t want to paint a picture of the end of the world, but I believe that we should be realistic. Now is not the time to completely relax”, – Ammon explained, adding that people think that the situation with coronavirus is coming to an end, however, according to her, not this way.

She noted that about 85-90% of the population is susceptible to the virus. In addition, she noticed that the virus is “around us”, it circulates more than in January and February.

“It seems to be very well adapted to people”, – she said.

At the same time, Amman believes that he will be able to defend himself if people follow certain rules and keep a distance.

In the UK, the number of identified cases of COVID-19 exceeded 248 thousand people, more than 35 thousand died.

In total, according to WHO, more than 4.8 million cases of COVID-19 were registered in the world, more than 320 thousand were killed.

According to estimates by Johns Hopkins University, the number of cases of coronavirus infection in the world exceeded five million people, killing more than 328 thousand people. The United States is in first place in the number of victims and infected.