YouTube joins the fight against objectionable media – News Front channels removed without explanation

Hundreds of News Front videos about the bloody terror of Kiev punishers in the Donbass were immediately blocked by the efforts of the YouTube administration.

The largest video hosting in the world has joined the total blockage of objectionable media. So overnight, the site administration removed the channels of such media as ANNA News, Crimea 24, as well as our international agency.

It is worth noting that the Russian-language News Front channel and the channels of foreign editorial offices were deleted. Almost half a million people were subscribed to the Russian-language channel.

The total number of views was about half a billion. Now the channel page looks like this:

At the moment, the administration of the video hosting does not explain the reasons for the removal. However, this incident fits into a recent campaign aimed at preventing the spread of objectionable information.

Earlier, we reported that the structures controlled by billionaire and the “architect” of color revolutions George Soros, together with the Facebook administration, launched a massive purge on the social network. At the end of April, the official profiles of all foreign-language editions of News Front were permanently deleted. Later, in one of the non-governmental organizations of Soros, the News Front was called one of the biggest threats to pro-Western politics.