Ukraine will demand compensation from Russia for “stolen” ship toilet bowls

Zelensky “excuses” Poroshenko from responsibility for military provocation in the Kerch Strait on November 25, 2018

Ukraine will demand compensation from Russia for “stolen” ship toilet bowls

Zelensky’s regime submits a memorandum to the international arbitration on the incident of November 25, 2018 in the Strait of Kerch. According to Deputy Foreign Minister of Ukraine Yevgeny Yelin, the goal is to receive compensation from Russia for the detention of violating vessels and their crews. Moreover, Kiev intends to seek compensation “of both material and moral character.” The amount that the Ukrainian authorities want to receive is not called.

It is noteworthy that the deadline for submitting a memorandum to international arbitration in this case expires on May 24, 2020. Six months ago, on November 18, 2019, Russia returned the detained vessels, the tugboat Yany Kapu and the small armored artillery boats Berdyansk and Nikopol, as a gesture of goodwill. Earlier, on September 7, 2019, 24 crew members of violating vessels were released and transferred to the Ukrainian side in the manner of exchange of retained persons. In response, Ukraine, without any reason, blamed Russia for the disappearance of weapons and equipment from the detained ships.

According to the commander of the Ukrainian Navy Igor Voronchenko, “the Russians killed them [the ships]. They even took out sockets, shades and toilets. ” True, the Ukrainian land admiral did not show any evidence that the latrine actually remained in Russia. In response, the Center for Public Relations of the FSB of Russia published a video from the detained ships, taken at the time of their transfer to the Ukrainian side, which shows, among other things, ship toilets that are in their places. And the representatives of Ukraine, who took the vessels away, without making any claims, sign the act of acceptance and calmly depart in their territorial waters.

“If during the transition from the coast of Crimea to Ochakovo the Ukrainian side managed to ditch the ships and bring the plumbing to an inadequate state, then this is the problem of the Ukrainian side itself,” commented the FSB Public Relations Center.

And now, six months after Yany Kapu, Berdyansk and Nikopol returned to their native harbor, the Kiev regime was going to arrange a battle for the toilet, counting on a freebie to snatch some amount from the “aggressor” for a forced annual simple of their rusty troughs in the Russian Crimea.

A reasonable question arises: was it worth it to do this goodwill gesture if Ukraine and its political leadership, in principle, are not able to adequately take any unilateral steps? Instead of finally bringing to justice the organizers of the provocation in the Kerch Strait in the person of the former president and supreme commander in chief Poroshenko, ex-minister of defense Poltorak, former chairman of the SBU Gritsak, commander in chief of the Ukrainian Navy Voronchenko and other officials who sent the Ukrainian sailors, in fact, to certain death, Zelensky’s regime makes unreasonable claims against Russia.

Obviously, any decision of the international arbitration in favor of the Kiev regime on this incident will be politicized, and therefore its recognition by Russia is tantamount to recognizing that any impudent provocateur has the right to unceremoniously violate our borders.

At the same time, this is a very revealing situation for those who have not realized during the year that the only difference between the cheerful clown Zelensky and his drunk predecessor is that one likes stronger drinks, and the second relieves tension in an unconventional way of playing the piano. In politics, they are completely identical to each other. Both are guilty of war crimes, both are controlled puppets, and therefore completely non-negotiable.

We add that for the Zelensky regime, the presentation of claims to Russia for allegedly stolen ship lathes is another attempt to keep on the agenda the issue of maintaining the anti-Russian sanctions imposed by the United States and the European Union after the reunification of Crimea with Russia. The international economic crisis provoked by the coronavirus will inevitably return to the agenda the issue of removing restrictions and recognizing, if de facto, many in the West the legality and justice of the return of Crimea to Russia. And this is what Kiev will impede with the persistence of an annoying fly. As a result, the proclamation by the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the reality of “strategies for the return of the Crimea,” as well as attempts to speculate on the long-closed Crimean Tatar issue on the anniversary of the deportation of 1944.