Poland afraid to be left without an elected president in August

According to the Office of the Head of the Government of the country, Michael Dvorchik, 28 June is “the last term in which the elections can be held in order to meet all other terms and obligations specified in the law, so that after 6 August Poland will have a president”.


The next Polish presidential election should be held as a last resort on 28 June in order to respect the principle of continuity of power. This was stated by the head of the Office of the Prime Minister of Poland, Michal Dvorchik, on Tuesday on the air of Polish Radio.

According to him, June 28 – “is the last date in which the elections can be held to meet all other deadlines and obligations specified in the law, so that Poland would have a president after August 6.

“The holding of elections later, if we talk about the first round, will lead to the fact that no Polish president will be elected after August 6”, –  he added.

May 10, the next presidential election was to be held in Poland. However, due to the pandemic and political controversy within the ruling coalition and with the opposition, the authorities were unable to organise voting on time. As a result, the State Election Commission declared the elections to have failed.

Now the Speaker of the Sejm (lower house of parliament) has to call new elections by May 24. They can be held any Sunday within 60 days from the date of announcement. Elections are expected to take place in June or July.

Parliament is currently working on a law on the conduct of elections in the context of the pandemic on a mixed basis, with the organization of polling stations and mail for quarantine and all comers. The law provides that previously registered candidates will be able to continue the fight and newcomers will be able to join the fight by collecting 100,000 signatures in their support.

On 6 June, the term of office of the current Polish President, Andrzej Dudy, who is running for a second term in the upcoming elections, expires. If no candidate gains more than 50% of the votes in the first round of elections, a second round with the participation of the two candidates, who gained a majority, should take place in two weeks.