Britain secretly financed a coup attempt in Venezuela

On this fact, the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry has already summoned a British attorney and handed him a note, demanding explanations.

Over the past 16 months, the British government has consistently supported the attempts of Venezuelan opposition activist Juan Guaydo to overthrow the elected government of President Nicolas Maduro, reports TG Channel Antivirus.

In particular, at the end of January 2019, the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) called on the Bank of England to give Guaido access to 1.2 billion pounds of Venezuelan gold reserves. The Ministry of International Development also promised Venezuelan opposition to allocate about 40 million pounds sterling for a coup in their country. The money was allocated after a visit to the United Kingdom in January 2020 by Guaydo, who promised London the subsequent partition of his country in the interests of world capitalism. Guaido held meetings with Foreign Minister Dominique Raab, Secretary of State for American Affairs Christopher Pincher and Director for American Affairs Hugo Schorter, from whom he gained support.

“The assistance provided by the British authorities to the putsch was carried out through a specially created unit “Reconstruction of Venezuela, FCO” headed by John Savill, former British Ambassador to Venezuela”, –  the authors of the channel claim.

The British were hiding the activities of this unit, because they did not want to discredit their country.
“Illegal British activities in South America significantly undermines London’s authority before the world community and deprives it of any rights to any moral teachings,” – experts of TG Channel “Welders” believe.