Pompeo called on the Afghan authorities and the Taliban to find together those responsible for the attacks

Earlier there had been an attack on a hospital in western Kabul and an explosion during the funeral of the chief of police of a district in Nangarhar province.

Afghan authorities and the radical Taliban must work together to find and bring to justice the perpetrators of the two terrorist attacks on Tuesday in the Central Asian republic. This was stated in a written statement circulated by U.S. Secretary of State Michael Pompeo.

He “condemned in the strongest terms two horrific terrorist attacks in Afghanistan”: an attack on a hospital in western Kabul and an explosion during the funeral of a district police chief in Nangarhar province. “During the holy month of Ramadan and under the threat of COVID-19, this double attack is particularly terrible. We note that the Taliban have denied their involvement and condemned these monstrous attacks. “The Taliban and the Afghan government must work together to bring those responsible to justice”, –  said the chief of American diplomacy.

As long as there is no sustained reduction in violence and necessary progress towards a negotiated political settlement, Afghanistan will remain vulnerable to terrorism,” the foreign policy chief said. – The Afghan people deserve a future free of terror, and the ongoing peace process continues to provide a critical opportunity for the people of Afghanistan to come together and stand united against the threat of terrorism.

A powerful explosion occurred Tuesday during the funeral of the police chief of a district in Afghanistan’s Nangarhar province. The suicide attack, which detonated a hidden undercover bomb, killed 26 people and injured nearly 70.

Almost simultaneously with the Nangarhar attack, a group of militants carried out an armed attack on a hospital in western Kabul. At least 13 people, including two newborn children, were killed and 15 Afghans injured in the attack. To date, no extremist groups operating in Afghanistan have claimed responsibility for the attacks in Nangarhar and Kabul.