Lavrov says US is using pandemic to impose its vision of the world order

The United States, along with its allies, is not abandoning attempts to use the situation with the coronavirus pandemic to advance its vision of the world order, forcing confrontation.

This was announced on Wednesday by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

“We have to admit that even in a pandemic, our American colleagues and their allies do not stop trying to escalate confrontation, use the current situation to impose their point of view, their vision of the future order, which they call the rule-based order. The rules, as you know, are invented by them themselves”, – Lavrov said.

According to him, the US is increasing pressure on countries that pursue an independent foreign policy, as well as criticism towards the World Health Organization.

“There are unfounded accusations against the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation, ignoring calls to suspend unilateral sanctions for the period of combating coronavirus infection, sanctions that impede the humanitarian supply of medicines, equipment and food”, – the Minister explained.

He noted that the coronavirus pandemic sharply raises the question of the future of the system of international relations, which is currently being tested for strength. The spread of infection has become a challenge not only for individual states whose economies and social sectors have experienced tangible negative effects, but also for international organizations and integration associations, including the SCO.

Lavrov stressed that Russia has consistently continued to call for collective solutions, and these efforts should be based on the principles of universality, multilateralism, and reflect the interests of each state.