Opposition in Venezuela leaves no attempt to overthrow Nicholas Maduro. With that, they openly turn to the United States for help. But not only the White House is involved in this. American mercenaries also joined the development of a plan to change power in the Bolivarian Republic.
Grab and take to the USA
Events in Venezuela are developing according to almost a Hollywood plot. In early May, a group of Colombian militants entered the country, but the authorities managed to neutralize them. The detainees claimed that the Colombian government, with the filing of the United States, instructed them to carry out terrorist attacks in Caracas and liquidate the entourage of Nicolas Maduro. Bogotá called these allegations fictitious.
A couple of days later, two Americans were arrested in Caracas, allegedly the organizers of the conspiracy. The former Florida commando Jordan Goodro suddenly helped establish their identity. He stated that he himself had sent these fighters to overthrow Maduro. Venezuelan President also spoke up. At a press conference, he provided details of the detention of the American mercenaries. It turned out that there were already thirteen of them behind bars.
“They all acted on a tip from Washington. Two of them – Luke Denman and Aaron Berry – work in the security service of President Donald Trump”, – the Venezuelan leader said.
Maduro showed reporters an interrogation video.
“We had to penetrate Venezuela, get to Caracas and capture the capital’s airport. We were instructed to control the landing of the plane and take President Maduro to the United States”, – Luc Denman says in the video.
He admitted that he was promised to be paid from fifty to one hundred thousand dollars. He prepared the operation since December. Denman does not know the main customer. He specified they had not been dedicated to this.
President Trump commented on the situation. According to him, the White House has nothing to do with the detainees.
“Get Maduro with minions”
While Washington and Caracas sorted out the relationship, the opponents of Maduro themselves revealed the details of the special operation. The head of the so-called strategic committee, Juan Jose Rendon, presented to journalists a document confirming the words of Denman. Indeed, the plot was prepared in the fall. For help, they turned not to the US authorities, but to the Silvercorp American private military campaign.
The head of PMCs, the same former Florida commandos Jordan Goodro, developed a plan. He assured customers that he was familiar with the Venezuelan military and they were ready to help. He asked for 212.9 million dollars for his services. The operation was called “Resolution”. The deal was fixed on paper.
“A group of consultants will assist in the planning and implementation of the capture exile of Nicholas Maduro and is committed to bringing President Juan Guaido to power”, – the contract says.
Venezuelan MP Sergio Vergara appears as the customer. Opposition leader Juan Guaido signed only in that part of the contract, which refers to cooperation with PMC Silvercorp. Juan Jose Rendon, who revealed the document to reporters, was an informal curator of the deal in the United States.
“According to Gudrow, eight hundred people were supposed to infiltrate Venezuela and get Maduro with his minions. He demanded one and a half million dollars in advance. I transferred him 50 thousand”, – Rendon explained.
The operation was planned for the beginning of the year, but a conflict arose between Goodro and Randon. The head of PMCs was not satisfied with the amount of prepayment. At the same time, he demanded to inform the White House, as the matter was started very risky. Randon claimed that Washington was aware, but did not provide evidence. On top of that, he was annoyed by the randomness of Goodro’s actions.
Despite the feud, the operation still began – in May. But as soon as the American mercenaries entered the land of Venezuela, they were immediately arrested. Now, the parties to the deal blame each other and appeal to official Washington. The White House denies everything. Silent is also Guaido.
“Washing off will not be easy”
Venezuelan opposition’s contract with the US PMC raises many questions. Tatyana Rusakova, expert at the Crisis Society Research Center, comments on the situation. The political scientist doubts that Guaido was serious about the plan to overthrow Maduro.
“The opposition leader may have been in contact with them. But, obviously, he understood that the power could not be changed in this way. The wording in the document was blurred. Who was Silvercorp PMCs going to help? Those Americans who were so easily detained by the Venezuelan authorities?” – the expert argues.
Rusakova does not rule out that the Venezuelan opposition is plotting. But she emphasizes that the Armed Forces of the Bolivarian Republic decide everything here.
“Guaido is trying to lure the military to his side. However, even if there are dissatisfied among them, the top of the army continues to be controlled by Maduro. And without the support of the Armed Forces, the opposition is doomed”, – Rusakova explains.
The political scientist does not believe in the involvement of the Trump Administration in the situation with American mercenaries. She admits that information about Venezuelan opposition ties with PMC Silvercorp was leaked to reporters from the White House.
“The Americans are at an impasse. Credit to Guido was shaken. Perhaps Washington is looking for a replacement for him and is simultaneously conducting a campaign to discredit. After all, Guaido always opposed the forcible overthrow of Maduro. And now it turns out that he was in some way in contact with the mercenaries. Washing off will not be easy”, – Rusakova says.
The expert’s main conclusion: Americans keep abreast and are still considering various scenarios of a change of power in Venezuela. At the same time, Washington has no favorites. Trump is ready to work with everyone who is able to bring down the Bolivarian regime.