Eugene Satanovsky: How America and Britain defeated Hitler

The White House told the world the war was won by the Americans and the British. Our diplomats reminded them how it really was. And for nothing.

You can’t do that with sincere people who are so idiotic. It’s like hurting a small child! At first they are told that not only Americans won the war, even with the British, and then what will happen? That there’s no Santa Claus? That the United States is NOT the best country in the world? That its presidents are not respected and no one is afraid at all – even in the Middle East? Or that their democracy hasn’t turned anyone on for a long time, except for themselves and their fans, who are the dumbest and most incapable of putting two and two together, even if their first-class arithmetic is explained to them from morning to evening?
So you can get to the point where you can call American football and rugby not a sporting game, but a stupid face for morons. Although, to say the least, most collective games are dumbass for morons. Or, it’s blasphemous to say that real football is just regular football, which in America is called soker, not American football, stars and stripes, sweepstakes, popcorn and Coca-Cola in the stands. What the hell is that? You can call fries with hamburgers – hamburgers (!!!!) not food, but a munchkin to build up a two-pood ass. And begin to doubt the benefits for children peanut paste, which really – looks like shit and tastes the same, but it’s American shit, which is more nutritious in the world.

If you question what the State Department or the White House says – how will the world live? Without American leadership, without worrying about who will win the Democratic or Republican Party primaries, without sanctions imposed on who the left foot of Congress will want? Without annual notations to the world about human rights, religious and sexual minorities, and freedoms that exist in America and nowhere else? Without understanding and remembering firmly that everything American is the best in the world. Movies and cartoons, the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, Washington, D.C. and its Capitol, the dollar and Fort Knox.

And since Americans were first on the moon, they were first in space. They were the first to go into outer space. And the woman was also the first to go into space. And who else?! Anyway, they invented everything in the world that was worth something. And if they didn’t invent it, it’s not worth anything. Casinos in America are the coolest (it’s true), cruise ships and aircraft carriers are the biggest (it’s also true), lobsters are the baldest, steaks are the fleshest, political correctness is the most political correctness, racism is the most anti-white, sanctimony is the most outstanding, and politicians are the most brazen and frozen (the purest, unclouded truth). And quite nasty taste of cough on the ice – already mentioned Coca-Cola, the best angina remedy in the world.

Medicine and education in the States is super. Everything European is not suitable for them and should be adjusted to them (as in Russia so far the bosses do). So it’s not even clear what the Russians are mad about the war. There is Stalingrad, Kursk and Eagle, the Battle of Moscow, the Battle of Berlin … So they will come to the point where they start to claim that not the American army Berlin, Vienna, Budapest, Warsaw and Prague took, but they themselves. That America dropped nuclear bombs on Japan for nothing. And if it was not for the defeat of the Russian Kwantung Army in Manchuria at the request of the Russians, the Americans would still be picking up on Iwo Jima, Okinawa could not take them and the Japanese would drown them from Midway … Well, is not obvious, what leads to such voluntarism? The pure victory of evil on a global scale.

At least by Reagan, who knows who on this planet was the Empire of Evil. Purely Hollywood. By Obama, who was the first of the current American presidents to indicate who her empire was, the direct heir. With amendments to the terminology. So now it’s fashionable to talk about the world’s Mordor, the new Sauron, Vladimir Vladimirovich, and his names, Petrov and Bashirov. It’s a great picture! For people brought up on comics – clearly explains how everything is arranged. Captain America, Batman and Superman with British Winnie the Pooh – Churchill, against Hitler. Who started that war with Stalin. That’s a great scheme. Since Trump had written off continental Europe from his allies by and large – left one England, what’s the point for the public, under the seventy-five years of the war another still life to draw? Well, that’ll do. It’s not just American, it’s still life.

Eugene Satanovsky