Attempts to find “monsters” abroad will not save the United States from the coronavirus, but will draw America into confrontation with one of the most powerful powers in the world.
This is stated in an article by The New York Times.
According to the authors, American leaders are fixated on external enemies because the lives of millions of citizens inside the country leave much to be desired.
“The war on terror has not ended terrorism, the war itself has become endless. It has destroyed the myth that the triumphant United States can subordinate the world to its will”, – the publication says.
The same is happening in the era of the Coronavirus pandemic: Donald Trump is trying to lay the blame for the spread of the infection to China, where it was discovered. The head of the State Department, Michael Pompeo, has also joined the campaign against China. He claims there is “considerable evidence” that the virus was created in Wuhan’s laboratory.
“And while scientists and intelligence agencies doubt this, the charges could lead the public to blame China for the pandemic, just as the George W. Bush administration, suggesting more than outright lies, convinced seven out of ten Americans in 2003 that Saddam Hussein in Iraq was probably involved in the 9/11 attacks”, – the authors warn.
The problem is that “finding monsters to destroy will not save Americans from pandemics”, but provokes the U.S. to get involved in the Cold War “with world power #2”. The U.S. is a step away from an adventure that will be far more devastating than the one that followed the 9/11 attacks. However, it suits Donald Trump, because he is not only trying to remove responsibility for the coronavirus disaster in his country, but also gets leverage in the presidential race.
“The attempt to outsmart the ultra-right hawks led to the democrats’ failure in the war on terror, leaving Mr. Biden with the stain of supporting the war in Iraq”, – the article said.
Anti-Chinese outbursts and attempts to tie Biden to Beijing, for example, effectively trapped a 77-year-old Democrat.