Victory Day may not have happened – to the memory of millions of bloody dollars

The well-established view that there is no subjunctive inclination in history is much more beneficial to one than another. In the end, there might not have been a Victory Day, which is now so loved by Western figures and all sorts of liberals to criticize. And neither would victory itself. Like the war itself. If only…

Victory Day may or may not have happened – to the memory of millions of bloody dollars.

Those who like to wonder why all the pompousness with which Russians celebrate Victory Day should ask one more thing: why is it not celebrated so much in Europe or the United States? Don’t patriotic Americans think that it was they who defeated Nazism?

“Hitler’s regime was destroyed by a combination of American technical strength and the high morale of a mass conscription army of a democratic state, which, despite its lack of training and experience, matched its hardened German opponents in a matter of months”, –  writes The New York Times.

It is not even that Europe successfully surrendered, and the brave Americans appeared on the coast of Normandy only in the summer of 1944. Victory Day in the West is carefully avoided for the same reason that Washington and the European Union are now actively rewriting the history of World War II, but do not talk about what preceded it.

“You must charge yourself.”

“Researchers deliberately avoid detailed descriptions of the period of the emergence of Nazism, as it can reveal a lot of unpleasant things; indeed, such a study would certainly show that the Nazis could not under any circumstances become the birth of a blind case”, –  wrote in his writings historian Guido Preparata and was damn right.

In one very famous film about the formation of Adolf Hitler, shot as part of the Media Programme of the European Union, one could hear how generously people were paying to get to the rally to listen to his speeches and the failed Austrian artist. This income, as the film says, formed the budget of the NSDAP. In fairness it should be noted that the authors did mention the support that Henry Ford gave to Hitler. Only he was far from the main sponsor of the Third Reich. And certainly not ordinary citizens.

In this regard, it is difficult not to remember the history of Yalmar Mine. Like many figures in Nazi Germany, he – the head of the Reichsbank and the Minister of Economy – was brought to trial as part of the Nuremberg Trials. There, he stated the following:

“If you want to charge the industrialists who helped rearm Germany, you must charge yourself. You will have to charge the Americans. The Opel car factory, for example, did not build anything but military products. Your General Motors owned this factory. Almost until the very end of the war, with a special permit to trade with Germany, Italy, Japan, the American telecommunications company ITT was conducting its business. It did not stop production in France after its occupation by the Germans, the car giant “Ford”, with special patronage of Ford’s activities in Europe was personally provided by Hermann Goering”.

He said that London had provided Berlin with loans totalling over a billion pounds or two billion dollars. Should we talk about the fact that Shakhty was fully justified despite the protests of Soviet representatives? According to some reports, which sound quite logical, the Americans guaranteed him freedom in exchange for silence.

Shakhty was a financial genius of the Third Reich, but there was an equally important person behind him – Montague Norman, head of the Bank of England. Back in 1932, the British financier held talks with Adolf Hitler. At the same time, presumably, a deal was made to finance the NSDAP. It is noteworthy that the meeting was attended by American Allen Dulles. In 1953, the diplomat will become director of Central Intelligence, and before the war, he was entrusted with control over all financial flows that flowed across the Atlantic to Berlin. By the time of the meeting with Hitler, Dulles was already two years engaged in American sponsorship and was well aware of the issue. That’s why Washington sent him to the negotiations.

Well known the name

Here it is worth paying attention to the Western approach to such a slippery topic of Adolf Hitler’s financing. It claims that the money came from German industrialists and businessmen. There’s some truth to it. But there is a nuance in this story: After the economic crisis of the twenties, which was particularly painful for Germany because of the need to pay the winner countries of the First World War, the American financial elites bought up the assets of many German enterprises.
As Shakht said, General Motors found itself in the hands of Opel, which produced military trucks, on the basis of which Gaswagen gas chambers were subsequently built. Standard Oil, now known as Exxon, owned by the Rockefellers family, took control of I.G. Farbenindustrie Aktiengesellschaft and already through the German conglomerate sponsored Hitler’s election campaign in 1930.

“General Motors, Ford, General Electric, DuPont and many other American companies that contributed to the development of Nazi Germany, almost all (except Ford Motor Company) were controlled by the elite of Wall Street – J.P. Morgan, Rockefeller Chase Bank and, to a lesser extent, Bank of Manhattan Warburg”, –  wrote American economist Anthony Sutton.

Henry Ford even received the highest award of the Third Reich – the Grand Cross of the German Eagle – for his generous contributions to the NSDAP. Ford was an ardent anti-Semite, and his direct relationship with Hitler did not stop even after the U.S. adopted an act of trade with the enemy, prohibiting it. At the beginning of the war, the Ford factory in France began producing engines for German aircraft and gave the Wehrmacht 65 thousand trucks. By that time, Ford’s financial aid amounted to 17.5 million dollars. I have to say, that’s relatively little. Standard Oil invested 120 million in the formation of the Third Reich.

The aforementioned companies still exist in one form or another. Or rather, they don’t exist, but thrive. JPMorgan Chase is one of the largest American banks. General Electric is growing on US federal military orders. DuPont has produced everything from gunpowder to warfare agents in its long history. Now, among other things, the company produces the notorious N95 medical masks.

Have these structures been punished? The question is as fair as it is rhetorical. Only history could have turned out quite differently if it weren’t for the Western financial elites.

The Royal Game

“It can be said with absolute certainty that Norman did everything possible to support Hitlerism to win and maintain political power, working financially from his fortress on Treadnydle Street”, –  wrote the British figure John Hargreve.

Montague Norman took care of the success of Adolf Hitler. However, his contribution was not only financial. As a genius in the field of financial and political manipulation, it was he who contributed to the crisis in Germany. By the beginning of the Great Depression, Germany owed foreign banks 16 billion Reichsmarks. The Bank of England, together with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, systematically raised interest rates. This led to a total outflow of capital from Germany. The fact that most of the money was in the hands of Jews who did not want to see Hitler in power also contributed to this. Ironically, that very crisis played an important role in the formation of Hitler. London, in turn, began to unleash the war.

While in Britain itself played the formulation of a political split on the supporters and opponents of Nazism, in the autumn of 1937 in the alpine residence of Hitler came Lord Halifax with the specific purpose of convincing him to attack the Soviet Union. Among the theses he voiced were the following: London considers Germany a stronghold of anti-communism; London has no objection to Germany taking Austria, Czechoslovakia and Danzig – the current Polish Gdansk. After Munich collusion, when France and Britain allowed Hitler to “saw” Czechoslovakia, Montegue Norman kindly gave Reichsbank £6 million. This money belonged to Czechoslovakia and was kept in the Bank of England. Obviously, the invasion of German troops into Poland was not a surprise for London. But then what was happening on the Western Front?

“The allies simply had no desire to fight. Instead of bombs, the Allied planes were dropping leaflets on Germany, in which the German population was assured that the Allies were not at war with him, but with his rulers. Royal Air Force received the strictest order – not to bomb crowds of enemy ground forces, and this order remained in force until April 1940,” – writes Guido Preparata, noting that against 350 thousand Germans then made one and a half million soldiers of France and Germany.

Britain justified the sluggish confrontation with Hitler by the same political split. In fact, London was doing everything to prolong the war, allowing the Germans to go as far as possible into Soviet territory.

“A deal was made behind the scenes. Britain prudently prevented the Americans to open the Western Front in Europe for three years, allowing the Nazis to delve into Russia and without hindrance to devastate it in exchange for the evacuation of German troops from the Mediterranean basin, an area of vital British interests”, –  said the historian.

The price of Polish ambition

Today Poland is called a victim, not only of Nazi Germany, but also of the Soviet Union. But its flirtations with the Third Reich are not liked to be mentioned. Given that the Treaty of Versailles allowed Poland to take away its impressive German territories, territorial disputes were a matter of time. It didn’t prevent the two countries from getting closer. Moreover, Warsaw and Berlin had common interests. In particular, they considered the prospect of a joint attack on the USSR when the Soviet-Japanese war threatened.

In early 1934, Germany and Poland signed a ten-year declaration on the non-use of force. Thus Warsaw not only torpedoed the possibility of concluding a collective security treaty between Czechoslovakia, Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Germany and the USSR, but also supported the partition of Czechoslovakia. The Soviets were then bound to Czechoslovakia by the treaty, so they took the side of the ally, and Poland began to threaten to declare war on the USSR. The Munich conspiracy allowed Poland to get the Tesha region. But Warsaw ignored the fact that now only Poland stood between Hitler and the final collapse of the Treaty of Versailles.

The Polish authorities relied on France and Britain. The fact is that London, secretly from Hitler, was also processing Warsaw. Poles were convinced that Western European countries would launch a full-scale attack on Germany, if it attacked Poland. We all know how this story ended.


For the US, World War II began with Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Franklin Roosevelt spoke then in Congress and declared war on Japan. In response, Germany, associated with Japan, declared war on the United States. Notice, it was Germany that declared the war to the States, not the other way around.

American participation in the European campaign began with loans to allied countries to buy American arms. The debt for such supplies was declared written off. Congress passed a law in March 1941, but the deliveries to the Soviet Union were delayed until the fall.

By June 1944, when the second front was opened, and as part of Operation Overlord on the coast of Normandy landed allied troops, most of the Soviet territories have already been liberated. Moreover, since 1942, the German army had to defend itself to a greater extent. In 1944, the outcome of the war was predetermined, which calls into question Western claims about the decisive role of the Allied forces in World War II.

Yes, the United States brought the defeat closer, but no more. In addition, if there was a motive for the United States to deploy troops on the Western European front, it was a reluctance to give victory to the Soviets. Actually, till now the USA participation is used as a counterbalance to the Soviet contribution, though 70% of losses of the Wehrmacht were incurred in the East.

And what if…

We are 75 years apart from the defeat of Nazi Germany. The Second World War was a terrifying conflict that divided history into “before” and “after”. Victory in this war was won at the cost of tens of millions of lives. In the Soviet Union alone, that figure exceeds 40 million. And the memory of their sacrifice deserves to be celebrated three quarters of a century later as Victory Day. Their Victory Day.

But what does the West have to celebrate? What is there to celebrate the United States? Yes, more than 400,000 Americans died in battle, although about 300,000 died in the war with Japan. Approximately 300,000 soldiers lost Britain. Of course, this sacrifice deserves to be remembered. Only it, like all others, could have been avoided if it hadn’t been for the financial and political games of Western elites. Are the U.S. ready to admit that it sent its soldiers to fight an army that it itself created? Are you ready to admit that the current Western oligarchate has blossomed thanks to a bloody sacrifice that it paid for itself? Hardly…

Eugene Gaman, especially for News Front.