Pushilin: Ukraine aims at the homes of civilians

The head of the DPR accused Zelensky of the deaths of civilians in the Donbass.

Pushilin: Ukraine aims at the homes of civilians

The head of the Donetsk People’s Republic, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the DPR Denis Vladimirovich Pushilin made a statement on his telegram channel in connection with the increased shelling of the republic’s territory from the side of the VFU punishers.

“Ukraine has tightened shelling of the territory of the Donetsk People’s Republic, cynically aiming at the homes of civilians. Today, five people were injured from the rupture of VFU shells in the village of Sakhanka, including two teenagers 13 years old. Three days ago, three girls and one adult were injured. More recently, a girl from Gorlovka died from a grenade dropped from an UAV. The conclusion suggests itself: Ukraine does not just kill the inhabitants of Donbass, it targets children and young people, ”Pushilin wrote,“ These deaths are the direct fault of Zelensky, who did not bother to give a ceasefire order for a year in power. Any peacekeeping statements of Kiev politicians are false, they are refuted by the blood, tears and suffering of children who perish and get injured from Ukrainian shells. ”

As the Head of the DPR notes, Ukraine continues to terrorize the population of the Republic, especially zealously doing it before the holidays dear to us, this time on the eve of Victory Day. Such actions are feasible for the Ukrainian armed forces because of the connivance and indifference of the world community!

“We demand a corresponding response to such cynical violations of the rules of warfare and other norms of humanitarian law. Another disregard for injuring children will open Overton’s window on the use of brutality and impunity for war criminals. On the eve of Victory Day over fascism, we once again urge not to allow even the possibility of repeating such tragic lessons of history, ”concluded Denis Pushilin.